A trip to the Bangkok flower markets (Pak Klong Talad) is a must-do when visiting this Asian city of angels, and the colours, smells and activity are definitely a huge thrill for kids so if you’re a family heading to Bangkok make sure you put it on your list.
It’s also a cheap activity where you can help you children learn more about Thailand’s tropical flowers – make a list of five or so for them to find at the market – as well as learning lotus petal folding…more on this below.

So much to see at the Bangkok flower markets
Last time I was in Bangkok the markets were held on the street and it was crowded and close and a little overwhelming. But now they’ve moved inside and while it’s a different atmosphere from the outdoor location it’s much easier to navigate with children and is a super fun activity to add to your evening itinerary. You can find the markets at Chak Phet Road near Saphan Phut or the Memorial Bridge.

Such gorgeous flowers!
Just jump in a tuk tuk and head down. Make sure you negotiate your price, you can ask at your hotel or guesthouse – and take an address card too, to help you get back. If you’re lucky your driver will pump the sound system and you can sing Call Me Maybe at the top of your voices and record yourself on your iPhone as you speed along the Bangkok streets, just like us.
The market is so easy to wander around. Just take your time and look at all the different tropical flowers, the colours, the textures, and scents; the roses in coloured bunches wrapped in newspapers, the flower made into offerings for at Buddhist temples, the vibrant orchids and the elegant lotus flowers. Look out for people unloading and pushing boxes and buy yourself some flowers to enjoy during your stay.
Emily’s favourite part of the flower market was leaning how to fold the lotus petals. It’s a fun challenge for kids and the flower looks so beautiful at the end. You can find instructions on youtube here or search for lotus petal folding (otherwise you may just get origami instructions). Em loved it so much we bought six lotus flowers for 60 baht which we took home and Em obsessively folded that night.
You can then head to dinner or take a took took around the old city at night to see the Palace and temples alight in the darkness before heading home.
What: Bangkok flower markets
Where: Chak Phet Road near Saphan Phut or the Memorial Bridge.
When: The markets are open all day – but best times are during the day and early evening when it is not super chaotic