We wrote a book! It’s so exciting to share our travels and the backstory to our adventures – why we travelled, how we did and what we learned! You can read an excerpt here.

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It’s rated five stars on Goodreads, Amazon and Booktopia and there are still copies around. It’s perfect for Christmas, for your friends and mums you know, for your own mum, sister or neighbour! Hope you love it and here’s where you can get it.
Where to buy our book:
Book Depository – for everyone! And free shipping all around the world.
Amazon! It’s with Amazon globally and you can also get it on your kindle.
Buy it on Amazon and order from BOOKTOPIA in Australia/New Zealand and get a copy autographed by me and Emmie.
You can find it at Dymocks and grab it from the Best Little Bookshop in Town in Cronulla if you live in the Shire – lets support our local bookshop!
Our Amazon author page is now up!
Barnes and Noble – with free shipping
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This is the blurb.
What if you followed your heart to a life that made you truly happy?
When her daughter Emmie was 6 years old, Evie Farrell left her corporate career, sold or donated almost everything she owned, rented out her house and, hand-in-hand with Emmie, began an epic two-and-a-half-year backpacking adventure that would change their lives forever.
Evie farewelled a nasty break-up, long hours in a demanding job, a hefty mortgage and snatched hours with her daughter for a new life lived outside the lines, spending every day with Emmie exploring the world beyond the suburbs.
They camped on the Great Wall of China, hung in train doorways in Sri Lanka, swam with mantas in Indonesia, donated much-needed blood in Cambodia, spotted wild orangutans and pygmy elephants in Malaysian Borneo, prayed in Buddhist temples in Taiwan and were chased by monkeys everywhere. In their journey toward happiness and self-acceptance, they learnt more about each other and the beautiful world around them than Evie ever expected.
Backyard to Backpack is the inspirational true story that will have you asking yourself, what might be if you took a chance, stepped off the path of expectation and created your own adventure?
About the author
Evie Farrell is a mum from the suburbs who built a life of love and adventure, travelling the world with her daughter. She runs the wildly popular blog and Instagram account Mumpack Travel.