With travel starting up in NSW from 1 June, my 10 year old daughter Emmie and I are ready to hit the road and explore our state. There is so much to see and learn in NSW, and it’s always been at my fingertips, but I’ve mostly travelled overseas.
This got me thinking. When we have Bucket Lists they’re usually focused on destinations that are far away and may seem out of reach, places we think that maybe one day we will travel to but they’re kind of a dream.
We’re not sure we will get there.
But now we can. Let’s create Backyard Bucket Lists! We can dream and we can go!
We now have the opportunity to create Bucket Lists that are achievable – our Backyard Bucket Lists – places we can go and experiences we can have in our own backyard, in our own state.
We can list our goal destinations and we can make it happen. It’s so exciting.

Is Mudgee on your Backyard Bucket List?
And while we are taking our bucket list adventures we can help local businesses, towns, regions and economies recover from the challenges of 2020 – the bushfires, the floods and the COVD-19 pandemic.
We can stay in their hotels and guesthouses, eat at local restaurants, explore their beaches and hikes and parks and take local tours. We can reach our goals and help our neighbours.
Let’s start with NSW! Share your favourite NSW destinations.
We’re going to start with NSW and then create Backyard Bucket Lists for other states too, and ake the Ultimate Australia Backyard Bucket List.
But we need your help! I want to hear from you about NSW – and build the Ultimate NSW Backyard Bucketlist for 2020.
What are the places that you’ve loved visiting that you think we should all visit?

What about NSW’s ocean pools?
What towns, campsites, mountains, beaches and outback destinations should we travel to?
And where would you love to visit for the first time in 2020?
Share your suggestions here, on Facebook @mumpacktravel and Instagram @mumpacktravel or email me at evie@mumpacktravel.com
You can download the Backyard Bucket List template from Highlights on my Instagram page and fill it in and share in your stories.
Once we have NSW we can do other states and then make the ULTIMATE AUSTRALIA BACKYARD BUCKET LIST too. Lets go!
Can’t wait to see you out there!

Is Sydney on your list?