Working from home, schooling from home, wine time at home and all things at home – we’re on a long and winding road of isolation. And while we know we’re doing the right thing by staying indoors, it doesn’t make being stuck at home any easier.
We were three months into at least a year of traveling through Asia when we had to come home, and I’m usually with Emmie all day every day while we travel so that hasn’t been a huge change for us. Being in one place sure has been though, and the uncertainty of how long this will go on for has been a bit unsettling for both of us. But we’re working through it and learning as we go.

From snow to whoa – we can back from Japan into quarantine
Here’s what we’ve been doing that’s been working for us.
Be silly!
Literally the number one thing that is working for us is to just be silly. I’m letting Em try to teach me TikTok dances so she can laugh at me, we are playing silly games and just being as silly as we can. Laughter really takes the pressure off and kids love it. I even let Emmie push my into the pool when I was dressed as a unicorn cause I knew she would get a laugh from it.
Relax about the schooling
I know some parents and kids are under huge pressure from their schools to constantly submit work, but our kids’ wellbeing in this time of change is just as important as completing an online lesson.
I’ve schooled Emmie for years through Distance Education and I know how challenging it is. It’s frustrating, draining, disappointing and it can make us parents feel like failures on top of all the other worries we have. Em didn’t do formal schooling for three years though, and she is fine. Don’t stress.

Do your schooling but don’t stress if it fails
Take it easy, take it slow and do what you can. If it gets too much take a break, walk away or change the way your child is learning. Go into the yard and take a lesson there, get into the kitchen and apply maths to cooking, do craft or experiments that teach them about science.
And if doing this is taking away too much time from your work then let them get onto their device. Download educational apps and let them work from there. Download schoolwork, turn it into a PDF and let them tap away at it with an Apple pen (this worked wonders for Emmie) or just let them watch a movie while you get your work done.
Our motto has always been, Whatever works.
Get your daily exercise
Whether it’s a walk, chasings in the backyard, a turn on the cross trainer or boxing with a cheap bag from K-Mart (I’m putting ours up tomorrow) everyone needs their time outside. Fresh air, movement, nature and a change of scenery is a daily need – and have you noticed that kids seem to chat about the important things in their lives, their worries and the things that are on their mind, when they’re walking with you? I know Emmie does.
Make it a habit and make it family time – or not – this could be the best time to get out and clear your head. Make it count.

Emmie loves walks and pics 🙂
Eating and drinking well
It’s easy to fall into snacking and eating more than we need. We want something to do so we open the fridge and before we know it we’re eating. And kids always want treats and fizzy drinks.
I’ve found it’s super easy to have a constant fruit plate going with slices of watermelon and lots of berries. I also involve Emmie in making dinner and we’re eating earlier too. Dinner is around 6.30pm which is helping to set the night’s routine earlier too. Wine time, dinner, a game or a movie and then bed.

Just combine fun, being silly and naturally sugar free sparkling water
I’ve also got Nexba soft drinks for kids on hand too – Nexba makes naturally sugar free sparkling water in yummy flavours. It’s such a relief to find drinks that are healthy for kids and taste good too. The sparkling water has one billon probotoics per can, and I’m loving the tonic in my wine spritzer. You can find Nexba at Woolworths, Coles and online at Boozebud. And Emmie really likes them so it’s a relief to be able to say yes when she asks for a fizzy drink.
Our time is still just as precious
It’s tempting to sit up and watch Netflix when you don’t have to spend hours getting to work on public transport, or don’t have to get up early to start work. I fell into this trap, and it went hand in hand with daily evening wine time. I was staying up late (I watched three seasons of Buffy in only a few nights!) sleeping late and not using my time productively. I’m trying not to do it as much but Netflix is ALWAYS tempting. And I have been using my VPN and watching US shows on Netflix and others from around the world that we usually can’t access. You can read how here.
Practice gratitude
While we are going through a very strange and unprecedented time, for the most part we are still very fortunate. We had a home to come to (my parents), we have food and drink and warmth and wifi. We are very lucky to be able to isolate and walk by the beach for an hour every day. And we have each other. Try and keep the positives in focus – it’s so helpful with mindset and with setting up our mental approach in the weeks to come.
These are the things we’re working on as we go navigate our way through this change. What are you doing that works for you?
Who is Nexba?
Nexba is Australia’s leading naturally sugar-free drinks company, owned by two young Aussie blokes who have spent the last decade developing their range of sugar free drinks. The products are all made in Australia and are stocked world-wide and including the Sparkling water, tonic and kombucha.
Tonic is available at Coles, Woolworths and online at BoozeBud. Live Sparkling is available at Woolworths.
This post was sponsored by Nexba.